f/8 Documentary: Number 20


This is number twenty of the f/8 Documentary zine, a collaboration between f/8 Documentary and Fistful of Books.
F/8 Documentary is a group of photographers exhibiting on Instagram (@f8documentary) with a particular interest in documentary photography in the British Isles. They regularly invite guest contributors and are proud to be featuring, in upcoming editions, work by some of the most eminent living photojournalists of the last fifty years.

In Number 20...
Margaret Mitchell     The f8 Interview by Steve Reeves
Homer Sykes           Patrick Procktor
David Collyer         Your Own Personal Jesus
Janine Wiedel         Pastimes: Dover 1989/90
Mike Goldwater        Christie's
David Gilbert Wright  Work
John Claridge         Clowns
John Walmsley         Dressing Up
Peter Dewhurst        Tolpuddle Martyrs
Simon Hill            The Great Yorkshire Show
David Collyer         The David Collyer Column

Number 20
f/8 Documentary
72 pages
210 x 280mm
Edition of 80
Colour/mono digital printing

Only 12 left in stock

Additional information

Weight 475 g